Monday, September 20, 2010

Indian Summer

Indian Summer is what we used to call a hot September in New York. Here, in Florida, it's just another day in Paradise. At this time of year, paradise for me is a cool movie theater. Today I've got 3 reviews to share. "Salt" starring Angelina Jolie,is a great action-packed suspense thriller. It's about international espionage, spies, double agents, triple agents and you really don't get it til the very end. A real "edge of your seat"," glued to the screen" movie.
"Easy A" is a very cute, cleverly done comedy, about a teenage girl who feels invisible, until a white lie turns her into the school's "Hester Prynne" from the "Scarlett Letter". She embraces the role for a while, "fake rocking" every nerd's world. There are lessons learned and growing up done in this very amusing flick.
"The Town" is Ben Afleck's latest movie. It depicts a suburb of Boston as a breeding ground for bank robbers. The plot concerns an assistant bank manager, taken hostage, then released. The leader of this robbery crew, Ben's character, is concerned that she may be able to identify them, so he tests her by dating her. He, of course, doesn't plan on falling for her, but alas, he does. "The Town" is a great story about the realization that what your whole life is about is wrong, and trying to break free of it.
In conclusion, my movie experiences of late have been total escapism and entertainment, just what they're supposed to be. So thanks for "tuning in" and please visit my website for info on nail care, gel nails, acrylic nails, manicures, pedicures or to contact me.

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