Thursday, September 30, 2010

New TV Series

OK, I admit it; TV is a big part of my life. I work, sleep, eat, and relax with the TV on. The new fall shows are always exciting to me. (I know, I need to get out more) So let's start with "The Event". I'm hooked already. It's like "Lost" meets "Stargate". Who's human-who's not?, flashbacks, and some character backstories. So far we know: a spaceship crashed in the 1940s-the injured and the leader were detained indefinitely by our government. They look human and their DNA differs from ours by only 1%, but they age much slower than we do. The aliens who were not injured left the crashsite and blended with our society. The free nonhumans are tired of waiting for their friends to be freed and begin to take action. They blackmail a pilot into hijacking a plane by killing his wife and kidnapping his daughters. The plan was to fly the plane into White House, killing the president. The leader of the aliens thwarted their efforts by warning the president, but the plane mysteriously disappeared. The president thinks she was part of the plan and puts her back in detention. All the passenger of the plane survived the crash in the desert, but are found dead-except the pilot's daughter's boyfriend. Confused? Watch with me (Mondays 9:00-NBC) and tell me what you think. Visit my website and contact me for a manicure, pedicure, acrylic or gel fill or full set and we can compare notes on all the new shows:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Indian Summer

Indian Summer is what we used to call a hot September in New York. Here, in Florida, it's just another day in Paradise. At this time of year, paradise for me is a cool movie theater. Today I've got 3 reviews to share. "Salt" starring Angelina Jolie,is a great action-packed suspense thriller. It's about international espionage, spies, double agents, triple agents and you really don't get it til the very end. A real "edge of your seat"," glued to the screen" movie.
"Easy A" is a very cute, cleverly done comedy, about a teenage girl who feels invisible, until a white lie turns her into the school's "Hester Prynne" from the "Scarlett Letter". She embraces the role for a while, "fake rocking" every nerd's world. There are lessons learned and growing up done in this very amusing flick.
"The Town" is Ben Afleck's latest movie. It depicts a suburb of Boston as a breeding ground for bank robbers. The plot concerns an assistant bank manager, taken hostage, then released. The leader of this robbery crew, Ben's character, is concerned that she may be able to identify them, so he tests her by dating her. He, of course, doesn't plan on falling for her, but alas, he does. "The Town" is a great story about the realization that what your whole life is about is wrong, and trying to break free of it.
In conclusion, my movie experiences of late have been total escapism and entertainment, just what they're supposed to be. So thanks for "tuning in" and please visit my website for info on nail care, gel nails, acrylic nails, manicures, pedicures or to contact me.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Movie Days

I have 3 types of Movie Days: Movie with a Friend, Movie with a Child, and Movie By Myself. When I'm lucky, the 1st two are combined to make a particularly special day. Such was the case for "Nanny McPhee Returns". My Aunt Sunni, my nephew Spencer, and my friend Chris joined me at my favorite theater to see the sequel to Nanny McPhee. Coincidentally, I ran into my old friend and client, Sedina with her children. Very often, in the NAIL business, your clients become your friends; as was the case with both Chris and Sedina...But I digress, back to the movie. Emma Thompson reprises her role as the witchy looking nanny, whose looks improve with each lesson her charges learn. It was a really enjoyable movie for the whole family(a la Mary Poppins). What made the experience truly memorable was company I shared it with.

OK- enough sappiness, the next movie I saw was "Going The Distance", starring Drew Barrymore and Justin Long. This was definitely not a family flick. It's R rating is well earned for language, sexual content and brief nudity. It is a funny story about a romance that starts out local but becomes long distance. The fact that the stars were a real-life couple made it believable and easy to watch. I really liked this one.

That's all for today. For info on nail care, gel nails, acrylic nails, manicures and pedicures or to contact me, visit

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What's Old Is New Again

Hi There! I am the Tampa Nail Chick, but I believe that nail care also includes skin care. Today I'd like to welcome you to the old world of Home Remedies. Most of the time, tried and true home remedies work as well, if not better than bottled and store bought. The particular ailment of the day is dry skin(hands. feet and body). Here are some of my favorite Home Remedies:

Drink lots of water.

Drink a warm glass of milk mixed with a teaspoon or two of almond oil at bedtime.

For dry or itchy hands, soak them in a bowl of warm milk and almond oil.

Baby lotion- lotions made for adults may contain chemicals that may dry skin more.

Before taking a bath, rub some honey all over your body and leave on for 5 to 10 minutes.

Oil fish like salmon are not only rich in essential fatty acids, consuming them regularly can also alleviate dry skin.

For dry and cracked heels, rub the inside of a banana peel on your heels, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse clean.

Bananas can also treat dry skin on the face and neck- mash a banana (ripe ones work best) and apply like a mask. rinse after 15 minutes.

My all time favorite comes from a TV commercial from the seventies. "Before you dry off dry, dry off soft!" This was an ad for Johnson's Baby Oil. They suggested that after showering, but before toweling off, you apply a small amount of Johnson's Baby Oil all over. I've used this method all my life, but now they have Lavender Scented Baby Oil, and it's even better.

Home Remedies are a great fix, but there's nothing better for body and soul than to be pampered with a manicure and pedicure.
For info on just such pampering, or other nail-related subjects or to contact me, visit